Página para jugar un poco con la Wiki o probar como quedaria el codigo en un articulo de verdad. Cada uno puede hacer lo que quiera.
Syntax Highlighting
<source lang="php"> <?php
$v = "string"; // sample initialization
?> html text <?
echo $v; // end of php code
?> </source>
<source lang="java" line="1"> /* This is a regular multi-
* line comment. */
* This is a javadoc comment * @see java.lang.String */
public class Main extends Foo {
@Test public static void main(final String[] args) { // This is a one-line comment System.out.println("Hello, World!"); int n = 1 + 2; System.out.println("One plus two is: " + n);
Foo foo = new Foo("foo"); List<Foo> list = new ArrayList<Foo>(); list.add(foo); }
} </source>
<source lang="python"> import time import threading import Network from CliqueIPC.RunnerThread import RunnerThread
- Dispatcher
class Dispatcher(RunnerThread):
""" """ def __init__(self): RunnerThread.__init__(self, "Dispatcher") self.__connection = None self.__connection_lock = threading.Lock()
def Iteration(self): if self.__connection_lock.acquire() and self.__connection: Network.Protocol.RequestCommandHeader(self.__connection) cl = self.__connection.GetEscaped().split() print "Dispatching:", cl mod = __import__(cl[0])
# server-side process file mod.ss_process_file(self.__connection, cl[1], cl[2], cl[3]) # release module del mod self.__connection.Close() self.__connection = None self.__connection_lock.release() else: # wait self.__connection_lock.release() time.sleep(0.01)
def IsConnected(self): self.__connection_lock.acquire() localst = (self.__connection != None) self.__connection_lock.release() return localst
def ConnectTo(self, con): self.__connection_lock.acquire() self.__connection = con self.__connection_lock.release()
- DispatcherTasksMgr
class DispatcherTasksMgr:
""" """ def __init__(self, max_dispatchers): self.__thread_pool = [] for i in range(max_dispatchers): self.__thread_pool.append(Dispatcher())
def Start(self): for t in self.__thread_pool: t.start()
def Stop(self): for t in self.__thread_pool: t.Stop()
def FreeSlots(self): freeslots = 0
for t in self.__thread_pool: if not t.IsConnected(): freeslots += 1
return freeslots
# AddJob # precondition: FreeSlots() > 0 def AddJob(self, con): for t in self.__thread_pool: if not t.IsConnected(): t.ConnectTo(con) return
Uml plugin
<uml> Begin.b;
State.reading("Reading commands")(); State.processing("Processing commands")();
State.composite("Working")(b, reading, processing, e); := := 10; := 1;
topToBottom(20)(b, reading, processing, e); drawObject(composite);
clink(transition)(b, reading); clink(transition)(reading, processing); clink(transition)(processing, e);
ExitPoint.exit; exit.c=(composite.right, reading.midy); drawObject(exit); item(iAssoc)("error")(obj.nw = exit.s);
clink(transition)(reading, exit);
State.error("Preparing error report")(); State.result("Writing result")(); End.theEnd;
topToBottom(20)(error, result, theEnd); leftToRight(30)(exit, error);
drawObjects(error, result, theEnd);
clink(transition)(exit, error); clink(transition)(error, result); clink(transition)(result, theEnd);
link(transition)(rpathHorizontal(result.w, composite.right)); </uml>
Graphviz plugin
<graphviz> digraph G {Hello->World} </graphviz>
<graphviz> digraph G {
node [shape=plaintext]; Mollusca [URL="Mollusca"]; Neomeniomorpha [URL="Neomeniomorpha"]; X1 [shape=point,label=""]; Caudofoveata [URL="Caudofoveata"]; Testaria [URL="Testaria"]; Polyplacophora [URL="Polyplacophora"]; Conchifera [URL="Conchifera"]; Tryblidiida [URL="Tryblidiida"]; Ganglioneura [URL="Ganglioneura"]; Bivalvia [URL="Bivalvia"]; X2 [shape=point,label=""]; X3 [shape=point,label=""]; Scaphopoda [URL="Scaphopoda"]; Cephalopoda [URL="Cephalopoda"]; Gastropoda [URL="Gastropoda"]; Mollusca->X1->Testaria->Conchifera->Ganglioneura->X2->Gastropoda Mollusca->Neomeniomorpha X1->Caudofoveata Testaria->Polyplacophora Conchifera->Tryblidiida Ganglioneura ->Bivalvia X2->X3->Cephalopoda X3->Scaphopoda
} </graphviz>
Sea definida por
a) Determinar si es inyectiva, sobreyectiva o biyectiva.
b) ¿Es posible definir una función tal que sea biyectiva?
c) ¿Es posible definir una función tal que sea biyectiva?
Sensible and humble engineering soul
Símbolos matemáticos sin usar latex =
Opérateurs binaires
HTML | Unicode | Rendu | TeX | Rendu |
× | × | × | \times | |
÷ | ÷ | ÷ | \div | |
− | − | − | - | |
∗ | ∗ | ∗ | \star | |
∙ | ∙ | ∙ | \bullet | |
∧ | ∧ | ∧ | \land | |
∨ | ∨ | ∨ | \lor | |
∩ | ∩ | ∩ | \cup | |
∪ | ∪ | ∪ | \cup | |
⊕ | ⊕ | ⊕ | \oplus | |
⊗ | ⊗ | ⊗ | \otimes | |
⋅ | ⋅ | ⋅ | \cdot |
Relations binaires
HTML | Unicode | Rendu | TeX | Rendu |
≡ | ≡ | ≡ | \equiv | |
≤ | ≤ | ≤ | \leq | |
⩽ | ⩽ | \leqslant | ||
≥ | ≥ | ≥ | \geq | |
⩾ | ⩾ | \geqslant | ||
∈ | ∈ | ∈ | \in | |
∋ | ∋ | ∋ | \ni | |
∝ | ∝ | ∝ | \propto | |
∴ | ∴ | ∴ | ||
∼ | ∼ | ∼ | \sim | |
≅ | ≅ | ≅ | \cong | |
≈ | ≈ | ≈ | \approx | |
⊂ | ⊂ | ⊂ | \subset | |
⊃ | ⊃ | ⊃ | \supset | |
⊆ | ⊆ | ⊆ | \subseteq | |
⊇ | ⊇ | ⊇ | \supseteq |
Négations de relations binaires
HTML | Unicode | Rendu | TeX | Rendu |
&ne | ≠ | ≠ | \neq | |
≢ | ≢ | \not\equiv | ||
∉ | ∉ | ∉ | \not\in | |
⊄ | ⊄ | ⊄ | \not\subset | |
⊅ | ⊅ | \not\supset |
HTML | Unicode | Rendu | TeX | Rendu |
← | ← | ← | \leftarrow | |
\gets | ||||
↑ | ↑ | ↑ | \uparrow | |
→ | → | → | \rightarrow | |
\to | ||||
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | \downarrow | |
↔ | ↔ | ↔ | \leftrightarrow | |
↕ | ↕ | ↕ | \updownarrow | |
↖ | ↖ | ↖ | \nwarrow | |
↗ | ↗ | ↗ | \nearrow | |
etc. | jusqu'à | ⇿ | ||
╭ | ╭ | |||
╮ | ╮ | |||
╯ | ╯ | |||
╰ | ╰ | |||
➔ | ➔ | |||
➘ | ➘ | |||
➙ | ➙ | |||
➚ | ➚ | |||
➛ | ➛ | |||
➜ | ➜ | |||
➝ | ➝ | |||
➞ | ➞ | |||
etc. | jusqu'à | ➾ | ||
⤀ | ⤀ | |||
⤁ | ⤁ | |||
⤂ | ⤂ | |||
⤃ | ⤃ | |||
⤄ | ⤄ | |||
⤅ | ⤅ | |||
⤆ | ⤆ | |||
⤇ | ⤇ | |||
⤈ | ⤈ | |||
etc. | jusqu'à | ⥿ |
Caractères grecs
HTML | Unicode | Rendu | TeX | Rendu |
α | α | α | \alpha | |
Α | Α | Α | \Alpha | |
β | β | β | \beta | |
Β | Β | Β | \Beta | |
γ | γ | γ | \gamma | |
Γ | Γ | Γ | \Gamma | |
ε | ε | ε | \epsilon | |
ϵ | ϵ | \varepsilon | ||
&tetha; | θ | θ | \theta | |
ϑ | ϑ | ϑ | \vartheta | |
κ | κ | κ | \kappa | |
ϰ | ϰ | \varkappa | ||
π | π | π | \pi | |
ϖ | ϖ | ϖ | \varpi | |
ρ | ρ | ρ | \rho | |
\varrho | ||||
σ | σ | σ | \sigma | |
ς | ς | ς | \varsigma | |
φ | φ | φ | \phi | |
ϕ | ϕ | \varphi | ||
ϝ | Ϟ | |||
Ϝ | Ϝ | \digamma | ||
\mho | ||||
etc. | jusqu'à | ϶ |
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